Who I Am
Hello, my name is Paula Irwin cmt 1985, clt
Owner of Body Being in Balance Massage Since 2010
Since 1995, I have been a Certified Sports Massage Therapist. I have been the owner of Body Being in Balance Massage in Del Mar, Ca since 2010. The certification includes Trigger Point Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Strain Counter Strain and Facilitated Stretching. My interest is a deep understanding of the mechanics of the human body. As an instructor said, know the body and its systems to address any situation that comes your way. Recognizing every client is a case study to assess and learn from causes a continually evolving understanding of the body and its ability to move and function correctly. I have worked with ages 6 months to 103. Evolving young athletes to Elite athletes. Desk jockeys to weekend worries, Surfers to body builders, Pro tennis and golf players to football and basketball players. Bull riders to yogis. Everyone can benefit from structural sports massage. Discovering how your structure is aligned tells a story of posture movement and use. The tiniest of adaptations can affect stability, balance and fluidity of movement. Come in today, refine and balance for increased wellbeing.
Since 1998, I have been a Nationally Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist supporting 1000’s with this amazing modality. I was trained by Dr Learner himself, a renowned oncologist who brought MLD to the US and encouraged the ama to accept the treatment as a viable tool for lymphedema.
MLD for post-surgery recovery was a new concept in 1998. Working with the office manager of a Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon, I proved my skill in post-surgery recovery by treating the office manager’s wife after receiving a full body Liposuction and body contouring procedure. The incredible results and quickened healing inspired a long-term referral relationship and growing passion for the work.
Changes in swelling and bruising transform before the eyes. After the first session, clients are amazed and relieved. They are ready to calmly and gently settle into the road of recovery ahead, knowing the road has dramatically shortened.
Since moving to San Diego in 2005, I have received referrals from the best of the best plastic surgeons in the San Diego County area.
MLD for post orthopedic surgery and cancer surgery, lymphedema and Lipedema receive the same increased healing time and the best outcome for their recovery. Knee and Hip replacement, shoulder, abdominal and even c-sections are supported as well.
MLD for wellbeing supports the immune system by clearing this naturally slow and passive system leading to a sense of lightness and calm. Many suggest that the treatment leads to less illness during the year by including monthly treatments as a part of their wellness regime.
Body Being in Balance Massage in Del Mar, owned By Paula Irwin cmt 1985, clt, offers the most experience and best results in Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Lymphatic Massage in Del Mar, Ca is your go to place