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Breast Implant Illness & Explant Surgery

Breast Implant Illness

Explant Surgery

Cause and Treatment

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Breast implant illness (BII) is a term that some women and doctors use to refer to a wide range of symptoms that can develop after undergoing reconstruction or cosmetic augmentation with breast implants. It is also sometimes referred to as autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). BII can occur with any type of breast implant, including silicone gel-filled, saline-filled, smooth surface, textured surface, round, or teardrop-shaped.

BII impacts each individual in a unique way. Symptoms can include:

· joint and muscle pain

· chronic fatigue

· memory and concentration problems

· breathing problems

· sleep disturbance

· rashes and skin problems

· dry mouth and dry eyes

· anxiety

· depression

· headaches

· hair loss

· gastrointestinal problems

The symptoms can appear any time after implant surgery — some people develop symptoms immediately, while some develop them years later.

A lot of the symptoms of BII are associated with autoimmune and connective tissue disorders, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma. Some people who have BII also get diagnosed with a specific autoimmune or connective tissue disorder, but many do not.

In many, but not all cases, surgery to remove the breast implants improves or completely resolves the BII symptoms.

The removal process

The recovery from Breast Explant Surgery has more layers then Breast Implant Surgery.

The explant surgery includes removal of the implant and it's surrounding capsule.

Following Explant Surgery, it may be necessary to receive a breast lift or fat transfer to replace the volume lost with the implants removal. Procedure's are usually 6 months apart.

See your Dr. for recommendations.

Post operative healing

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage is helpful in the post operative stages. The lymphatic vessels run through the skin pulling lymphatic fluid from the interstitial spaces transporting it to the local lymph nodes where it is purified and then re-enters the heart at the vena cava. The lymphatic system carries away the debris caused by the trauma to the tissue. This helps reduce swelling and speeds healing by 10 times.

Lymphatic massage is a gentle milking of the skin. The strokes open the vessels causing a negative pressure within the vessel and pulls fluids in from the interstitial spaces. The direction of the stoke determines the movement.

The lymphatic system is divided at the navel, directing fluids above towards the side and up toward the armpit.

Below the naval moves like a sun pattern towards the inner thigh. Purified fluids of the lower body then move through the cisternia chlyi, moving up the front of the spine to the vena cava rejoining the blood system.

The lymphatic system impurities do not excrete through the bladder or colon, it is a closed system .

The impurities are processed in the nodes by macrophages.

This is a basic out line of the system as it is a very complex system.

Beginning approx.. 3 Days pre-op and 1 to 2 weeks post op.

(Refer to your Drs recommendations)

Pre op treatments prepares the tissue and supports less bleeding and bruising.

Post operative treatments, preformed 2 to 3 times a week for 2 weeks. Depending on the individual.

4 more treatments ,at once a week, will take care of the scar tissue formation as the healing completes.

Contact for more information

Paula Irwin cmt#1985, clt

Paula is trained with the Dr. Vodder technique. This is the original and most effective lymphatic massage available.

This is a basic out line of the syst858-822-9878


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